The Battle with Miniatures


Mordor Orcs

Mordor Orcs

Well this is the current project. Since I last wrote I've painted all
of these scorched brown as a base coat, then started to highlight the
shields and boots and undergarments with bestial brown. Thats as far
as I have got, and don't even know what I have to do next with the
Discovered that the battle of Macragge - or whatever it is called - is
actually a boxed set introduction to 40k, which is probably why its so
expensive. The models appear to be clip together, whatever that means.
Want it more now...

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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

New battle games delivery

New battle games delivery

Well, this is the first time that I have been reasonably happy that I
have painted a few things before the next set of miniatures arrived.
This pair 42 and 43 aren't too bad as they've only got 1 miniature each
- so I stand a chance of getting them done.
So issue 42 has a Mordor Orc Banner Bearer in it, and this is my
favorite type of banners, as its made out of metal, so you don't have
to make one out of paper that gets damaged too easily. The painting
instructions aren't too bad, but a bit brief.
There's quite a nice scratch build model of Osgiliath Tower to make -
but I'd have nowhere to put it if I built it.
Issue 43 has Faramir on horseback in it. OK looking metal model with
the normal plastic horse. I dont have that one already but the horses
do tend to break easily at the ankles so I'm always a bit worried as to
making them. The modeling stuff at the back just has stuff about
modelling roads so I'm not to fussed about that one.
Issue 43... I've just multiplied £3.99 by 43 issues... I dont want to
say how much this has costed... Thats part works for you huh?


Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Well, I didnt paint what I had planned to tonight, but I did get an hour or so of painting done. I had a set of 12 Mordor Orcs assembled and undercoated, but because the are all different, I was a bit reticent to paint them. I was looking around the Games workshop site and found the following link:

which has a great article about batch painting these, and involved basecoating all of the model with Scorched Brown to start with. This was great to do while I was listening to a program on the box and chatting with Rowan as it didnt require much concentration. I did this with all 12 and then started painting the boots, gloves, sheilds and under garments! I got through 6 of these but this took longer so I just typed this and its time to stop.
Its nice to have got somewhere painting something new tonight. If these are as easy as the article says I'll get the other sprue I had painted next. Once these are finished.... No pictures today as I did some earlier, and want to show these orcs once they are finished.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Not more Uruk Hai

Not more Uruk Hai

When I first saw a sprue of Uruk'hai I was very impressed and wanted to
immediately create an army of dark warriors to bash those elves. I
acquired myself a box of the siege troops and did what was basically my
first ever batch paint. However, what I didn't realise was that as
soon as I had painted one batch, then I was probably going to get sent
another batch with BGIME. Every week, or so it seemed, I was receiving
more of the dark creatures through the post. I tried to give some away
but the curse of Sauron followed me and I seem to be doomed to never
get them finished. I do like these models, and am relatively pleased
with the paint effects, and definitely the basing. I am sick though of
the pike men, who seem to be able to break a pike faster than Games
Workshop can make them. Its a conspiracy I'm sure. For that reason I
didn't dare to take them out of the box to get them photographed.
I plan to paint a few more of the Uruk'hai in batch mode tonight as I
can knock them out quite quickly now.

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Monday, September 20, 2004

Whats it got in its pocketses?

Whats it got in its pocketses?

Now this I am proud of. I found him in a box of undead. He just
needed a little grass on the base. This is more like the stuff I used
to do. I'm happy with the base, am well chuffed with his eyes,
although I wish I'd got his face in focus.
So a successful weekend. Although I didn't paint much, I finished a
few models and progressed some more.

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Sunday, September 19, 2004

Some Dwarves...

Some Dwarves...


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Some Dwarves...

Some Dwarves...

Rowan (My wife) bought me these as part of an anniversary present, and
I found them again while sorting my stuff tonight. They just needed
basing which I did tonight, but I think I could be a bit more skilled
with the bases, I did them too quickly and with little thought. I am,
however pleased with the paint jobs, as you can see. I like the gold
edge to the chainmail of the guy on the right. Sorry about the harsh
shadows and the dust on the pictures. I'll retire these guys to the
miniatures case to stop the being dusted tonight.

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Goblins - the return.

Goblins - the return.

These are some of the half painted stuff I had. I'd done most of the
armour, and the skin and tunics, so they just need their hair and the
leather doing. Looking at the latest white dwarf, one of the painters
gave a quick scheme for these, which involved scorch browning all of
the leather and hair. I started doing this but they really need
something extra - take the guy at the front left's hair.. So I'll
drybrush the black hair, and ink the leather. As I was basing some
other stuff I thought I'd base these, so this is the start of it. I
need to wash the bases, and I think I flocked them too early, as most
of the sand is lost, but at least I'm getting somewhere.
This isn't my best work by any way. I'm at bit sick of batch painting
at the moment and I think it shows.

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Decorating the House

Decorating the House

I've got somewhere this weekend. It started off with me brown inking
the rohan house, which made the thatch look really good. I was basing
some other miniatures, and decided to put a bit of sand around some
parts of the house. I pva's it both to stick it on and to fix it, but
before I paint it it looks just like scale sick. Someones been making
pavement pizzas. I inked the wood as well using a couple of different
inks to make the planks look different but its all waiting for a jolly
good dry brushing now.


Ohhh those Marines.

Ohhh those Marines.

The new issue of White Dwarf (298) arrived this morning, and for the
first time in a while I had time to read it from cover to cover - I
usually just read the LOTR section.. It depressed me. I Subscribed to
it last year - as I had missed a few issues of the Lord of the Rings
supplement in it. This time it had a section on Space marines. IT was
these that got me into painting years ago - as I thought the marines
were an excellent idea. I had recently seen Aliens and loved the idea
of the marines. I note now that Games Workshop are selling a set of
Ultra Marines in a boxed set "The Battle for Macragge" AND I WANT IT..
Its got some Tyranids in the set as well, which I'm sure are "I cant
believe they're not Geiger's aliens." Looking over all of the stuff I
have that isnt painted depresses me - in fact I'm sitting here getting
ready to paint something, thinking I must do that before I buy anything
else. I recon I'll wait for a month - and if I can get my goblins, my
Mordor orcs and my undercoated Galadriel and Aragorns painted then I'll
treat myself. Anyway here is a Second age marine that I painted
recently, this was part of a badly painted set I bought for pennies
from Ebay. You note there is very little detail on the model - thats
because the existing paint was so thick on it before I started.
Anyhow. I'm off to paint something now, better stop wittering.


Saturday, September 18, 2004

A poor excuse..

A poor excuse..

So its a poor lame excuse, but finally, this blog has encouraged me to
do some painting. Now I know that its not a miniature, and its not
finished, and its not even very good as it stands, but without this
blog I wouldn't have done it. So this is a Rohan house, built from the
plans in a white dwarf. I cant remember which issue - and I wish I
could because it might have had a paint guide in it! But anyway
tonight I basecoated over the undercoat. The base was a chaos black
and fortress grey mix. Goblin green for the grass, vomit brown for the
thatch and Scorched earth for the wood. Then I had to go out. Anyway
its a start. Used half a pot of each colour, but a start...

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Nearly did some painting!

Nearly did some painting!

Well tonight I really thought I was going to get some painted. Before I started I decided to sort out some of my battle games in middle earth that I had and put them into the binder that had come weeks ago. While I was doing that I found to more miniatures that I had received from BGIME that I had forgotten about. In the end I only managed to glue them to the base, and here they are. There;s Elrond, that I have been after for a while, a Gandalf the white, and Grimas. They were only superglued as well, not epoxied neatly like I usualy do. I didn't even get to cut the flash lines off. Oh well, they'll go back in my collection of unpainted stuff.

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Sunday, September 12, 2004

High Elves

High Elves

So this was the beginning of my 'second age' of painting. One of my friends, Alex, was into painting, and I decided to buy him some paint from games workshop. As I walked into the shop the smell of liquid poly brought back 12 year old memories and so I had to buy something. So I acquired two sprues worth of high elves. This is the result.

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Friday, September 10, 2004


This is the set of goblins you got with issue 1 of Battle Games of Middle Earth. Of course they were not painted but you got dice, some paints and a brush. A bargain for £1.99. I bought a few, and my little boy, then about 4, stared painting them as well. I dusted off my 12 year old set of citadel acrillics found the ones that were not dried solid, and managed to produce the result you see here. I've got a few more sets of these, and more sprues - it really was a bargain...
But the rest are just undercoated.

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Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Space Orc

Space Orc

As I'm not getting chance to paint anything at the moment - I thought I would upload some of my work. Spent most of the evening taking photos of my collection (or some of it anyway) This is again another old miniature that I am happy with. However - there was no dry brushing, no inks, only a bit of highlighting, and a boring base. Cant even say its supposed to be tarmac... The wonderful idea of using a gold pen to make the base look good has now rubbed off. Still - this is one of my showpieces.


Monday, September 06, 2004

Inferiority complex?

Inferiority complex?

Dwarf On Stilts. When I first started painting miniatures, I did quite a few mediocre ones, and then started to get a lot better. The dwarf above was one of the better ones, and one of my favorites, and probably at the end of my "first age" of painting, just before late teenage life and work took over. Still, he was a special edition then, and I bet he's worth something now.

Just done a little research, and he was released in 1987. He also came with a snotling with a chainsaw - but he's long since gone.


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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