The Battle with Miniatures


Goblins - the return.

Goblins - the return.

These are some of the half painted stuff I had. I'd done most of the
armour, and the skin and tunics, so they just need their hair and the
leather doing. Looking at the latest white dwarf, one of the painters
gave a quick scheme for these, which involved scorch browning all of
the leather and hair. I started doing this but they really need
something extra - take the guy at the front left's hair.. So I'll
drybrush the black hair, and ink the leather. As I was basing some
other stuff I thought I'd base these, so this is the start of it. I
need to wash the bases, and I think I flocked them too early, as most
of the sand is lost, but at least I'm getting somewhere.
This isn't my best work by any way. I'm at bit sick of batch painting
at the moment and I think it shows.

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Sunday, September 19, 2004


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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