The Battle with Miniatures


It's Over

It's Over
Originally uploaded by mafiu.
Not a long post this one. But here is a momentous image. The message from the invoice on the last delivery of BGIME. Yes its arrived.
But I've just started a new job, so havent got a lot of time to post. I feel like there should be some kind of celebration but I'll just leave it with this rather dull, but rather significant picture for now.


Monday, October 23, 2006

Night Gobbos

Night Gobbos
Originally uploaded by mafiu.
Well I dont like square bases that for a start. They dont look nice when they are varnished and photoed and theres no room to put heavier bits in the base.
This is my first real attempt at any original Warhammer stuff. Looking at the images now I can see lots of bits I've missed. This took me around a night, and another night on and off for the bases. They've come out ok, but the yellow moons definately need an orangy brown ink wash to make them stand out.
These follow the basic scheme of the Skull Pass starter set, but I highlighted the brown feet, the black cloaks and the goblins skin. I'm pleased with the outcome.
Also due to the black cloaks they are quite quick to paint, as most of it is already done. The dwarves will be a different matter...

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Prince Imrahil

Prince Imrahil
Originally uploaded by mafiu.
Well like I said I wanted to paint this one, and managed to get this done tonight. I think it was the blue and white scheme with the detail on the end of the cloak that did it for me. Firstly I did the armour and the dark blue cloak – this went easily. That’s was it for the first nights work, then tonight I completed it. The issue with this again was the white part of the cloak. It always looks fantastic when the professionals do hightlighs in white. But this just does not look as smooth as the pictures on the paint guide. No matter what I do I cannot get white stuff to look right, and I did loads of different coats as well. No worry. After that the hair and the face went really easy.
Got to tidy the base and put some grass on it but here it is – nearly finished.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Penultimate Delivery - Issues 88 & 89

Penultimate Delivery
Originally uploaded by mafiu.
88 has a metal Lord of Dol Amroth miniature, decorated in a fetching blue and white. There is a scenario and rules for staging a battle at Dol Amroth, defending the fortress. I comes with 6 card stock miniatures, of mounted Knights of the afore mentioned fortress. Prince Imrahill gets the nice painting guide treatment which I’m itching to do, the miniature was mounted before I wrote this and I’m waiting for the glue to dry. Then there is an excellent model of the fortress which isn’t too big, and I really want to make this one.

89 comes with Woses, well one Woses to be exact, namely Ghan-Buri-Ghan (forgive me for not doing the diacritics) This model is reminiscent of the orc shaman model, as he stands the same way. As he likes to ambush beings, there are instructions for this and a scenario entitled the Dangerous Journey, where the Rohirrim travel down a secret road on the way to Minish Tirith. We get a painting guide, detailed as ever but this guy has interesting face painting to ruin your lovely graded flesh tones. Finally there are some traps that he can set, in the modelling workshop. Not too exciting but there is a nice one where an uruk-hai finds himself upside down suspended from a tree by the trap.


Monday, October 02, 2006

skull pass set

skull pass set
Originally uploaded by mafiu.
After my wife bought me the new Skull Pass set, we spent a couple of afternoons doing some painting. I also spent a while mounting and painting some of the models - but there really are loads. Here is what I've done so far. Some of the 'finished' ones at the front are done by the boys.

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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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