The Battle with Miniatures


Ohhh those Marines.

Ohhh those Marines.

The new issue of White Dwarf (298) arrived this morning, and for the
first time in a while I had time to read it from cover to cover - I
usually just read the LOTR section.. It depressed me. I Subscribed to
it last year - as I had missed a few issues of the Lord of the Rings
supplement in it. This time it had a section on Space marines. IT was
these that got me into painting years ago - as I thought the marines
were an excellent idea. I had recently seen Aliens and loved the idea
of the marines. I note now that Games Workshop are selling a set of
Ultra Marines in a boxed set "The Battle for Macragge" AND I WANT IT..
Its got some Tyranids in the set as well, which I'm sure are "I cant
believe they're not Geiger's aliens." Looking over all of the stuff I
have that isnt painted depresses me - in fact I'm sitting here getting
ready to paint something, thinking I must do that before I buy anything
else. I recon I'll wait for a month - and if I can get my goblins, my
Mordor orcs and my undercoated Galadriel and Aragorns painted then I'll
treat myself. Anyway here is a Second age marine that I painted
recently, this was part of a badly painted set I bought for pennies
from Ebay. You note there is very little detail on the model - thats
because the existing paint was so thick on it before I started.
Anyhow. I'm off to paint something now, better stop wittering.


Saturday, September 18, 2004


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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