The Battle with Miniatures


Dwarf's Head
Originally uploaded by mafiu
21st Century Dwarf
So I finally got around to opening my White Dwarf 30th Anniversary model. As I suspected it comes in multiple castings - Four plus the base.
One of the castings contains two parts, the shield and the White Dwarfs head. The shield is quite a good piece as it has the hands of both of the dwarves who are holding it built in, with sockets - so that shouldn’t be too bad to glue together. The shield also has a hole that a pin from the White Dwarf's foot so that he can be glued on. That doesn’t look to complex. What worries me is his head and beard, as as usual there is not much of a socket, so this will need to be pinned if possible, but its hard not to drill out of the top of his head if you get the angle right. Not looking forward to that.
The slayer and Bugman, they are both single castings (apart from their hands holding the shield) And they both have slottabase bars. But the base that they supply doesn’t look big enough for them to fit onto this - so that’s a bit strange. I googled a picture of the painted model for a colour scheme, and notice that on the demo model the dwarves are standing on pavement, that reaches out over the base to make them fit. I don’t really want to copy that directly bit I cant really see another way to do this.
So here is a posting! Just to show I've thought about this - however I wont be painting this model any time soon. If I do any miniatures painting it will have to be some of the dwarves that I got in my Skull Pass set.

Sunday, January 06, 2008


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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