The Battle with Miniatures


86 and 87

Originally uploaded by mafiu.
Issue 86 comes with a metal Suladan, who I admit having no recollection of (although it is years ago that I read the LOTR trilogy) He’s quite a colourful miniature with a rather fetching shiny gold mask. Obviously as he wasn’t in the film there is a rather weak drawing of him on the front cover, not that I could do any better though. After some rules for the Haradrim, we have a Battle in the desert scenario, where they get to fight the Gondorians. Then Suladin gets a four page painting guide with a rather juicy looking inner purple cloak. The modelling workshop gives you ideas how to make desert boards (!! Blocks with sand on – big deal) But they do show you a blue tent at the end, but apart from the blue bit this has been done before.
BGIME 87 comes with a Hasharin assassin. This is a nice metal miniature and doesn’t really look LOTRish. Although he sports black outer robes (Ask a Ninja) he has the Haradrim colourful inner clothing. Next comes an expansion of the Grand Strategies rules for the uses of races and forces in the game, followed by a desert forces Scenario.
The assassin gets another four page painting guide – must do this one – I like this miniature and hope that I can do it justice. I feel like some more paint purchasing might me needed though as my paint collection looks decidedly earthy at the moment.
The modelling section has some really good looking desert buildings which make up for the ‘modelling sand’ section last time. I might make some of these just on principle. There are some nice detailing effects, such as embedding some brick plasicard into foam board to give the impression that the render has fallen from the wall due to damage. There are also some nice interior details including rugs and a swimming pool!! Then there is a wall that is used in the scenario earlier to make.
Four more magazines, two more deliveries to go..


Monday, September 25, 2006


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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