The Battle with Miniatures
Issues 76 and 77 - Elves and Easterlings
But back to issue 76 first. This came with a Legolas, which I'm not sure if I have or not, but armed with my quick setting epoxy I managed to get this cleaned and mounted and then painted in about 30 minutes. The issue, however, begins with the start of the Return of the King Campaign, with sections on Shelob's lair and the assault on Osgiliath, then a Capture the Fleet game with a Corsair ship which Aragon arrives on. Then there is a really good section on painting Legolas, with some pretty stunning close up photos of him being painted. This is a really nice article which makes up for the awful one at the start of the series. And then you can 'scratch build' a fantastic Corsair ship that was used in the game earlier. Wonderful looking sails on this - amazingly made out of paper towels.
Issue 77 turns to the Easterlings and the Black gate into Mordor. It starts with a battle for Gondor Scenario, then a The End of All Things game, where the hobbits have to finally destroy the ring. This game uses some cut out fellbeasts which come with the issue. Then it turns to the gate and what is happening to the rest of the Armies. Then you get to paint the Easterling captain which you satisfyingly get to undercoat Hawk Turquoise, which I did tonight - the same day it arrived! But then stumped at first base, I needed Dwarf Bronze then, which I dont have - oh well. Finally for this issue you get to make the black gate, with working hindges made out of a Pringles can...
Finished the evening by basing a few of my models, and generally sorting stuff out. Got about 7 primered models out, about 25 basecoated, and 4 more nearly finished. I've got to get some batch work done soon to get a handle on this.
Labels: BGIME Review
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