The Battle with Miniatures


The kids have a go

The kids have a go
We all stopped in tonight and I spent a long time with Roo and Zed helping them to paint something. As you see in the picture, we painted Aragorn and a Tyranid. Roo had painted Strider's face a couple of weeks ago and I've been trying to get him to think about where he puts the brush so that he doesnt foul other bits of the model with the loaded brush. Tonight I mixed up all of the colours for him, and loaded the brush, and he did the painting. It looks really good and he's a very proud 7 year old.

Strider's Back
Zed's attempt was an exercise in dry-brushing, with a bit of purple inking. It looks pretty good though I drybrushed the final highlight of white over the bleatched bone. Ohh and you can see Radagast in the background, my project for when they go to bed.

Friday, March 31, 2006


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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