The Battle with Miniatures


Gollum by the pool

Gollum by the pool
Originally uploaded by mafiu.
Well Gollum was much easier to paint than Bilbo, with only about 3 base colours to play about with.
I followed the painting guide, but of note was using chainmail mixed with grey to produce the shiny skin of the fish. It was then suggested that you used a gloss varnish on the fish as well to make it look wet. i decided not to do the normal flocked base, but try and do a water effect on it, so several coats of regal blue, and highlighted with dark angels green, got the colour I wanted, then more coats of pva glue finished with quite a pool of gloss varnish gave me a very shiny pool like effect. You can see this on one of my other photos, but they look black on this one. Also for the first time in ages I'm happy with this miniatures eyes - I should be considering Gollum has the biggest ones you probably can get - for his size.

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Monday, March 13, 2006


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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