The Battle with Miniatures


Wishful thinking

Penultimate Squad
Sorry its not high key like normal.
Well, I said yesterday that I hoped to get my marines finished on Friday, well now its Saturday evening and I still dont have much to show for it. I forgot just how blummin fiddly these marines were, not to mention all these new 'Seals of Purity' which have appeared since I last did this...
So this picture is how I stand this evening, after about a 3 hour session under fluoresent lighting. All of the marines had been base coated, and some of them I had lined using black ink on holiday. First of all I did Sgt Octavian (with the saw) in the middle, and applied the gold to his chest and around the shoulder pads, quite easy but my shining gold is going off. THEN I try to do it on the others - the problem is the bolt gun covers the chest on most of the other figures, and of course I've glued them, so its right fiddly to paint the crest. Anyway I've attempted this and then done the shoulder lining on all the other figures. Not ideal - as I was painting the gold straight onto the blue base coat - so it needs a couple of coats to brighten it up. Then I watered down flesh wash a bit and painted it on all of the crests to bring out the detail - it made the gold look much deeper.
You might be able to make out the backpack in the picture - I really dont like these, and some of my early models didnt have them on - I dont like them that much - but I'm trying to be acurate with these so I paroused the Macragge intructions and found finally a picture that showed a marine from behind.
I was startled to realise that the skull on the back was a metal colour, so I used boltgun (my favorite metal colour) on the skull. I also detailed all of the vents on all of the backpacks.
So..... All thats left is to base these (watch out for an exiting 'tutorial' on my basing in a later post!!) and clean up some of the basecoat blue where I have slipped with the metalic, finish the seals (bahhh!) and finish lining the other ones with black ink. Finally I have to do the brown belts and utility packs and add a little highlight to the blue basecoats... Not much huh? Oh and then the decals... But I might just paint them on...

Might get this finished by the end of this year.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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