The Battle with Miniatures


First and last post?

First and last post?

Hmm - looks like flickr hasnt been posting the text to my blogs... I've corrected a few later on as well, maybe that last 4 posts didnt have text on them, so scroll down in case you are interested in what you missed, So here is what I wrote earlier:

So, today I had to drive on business to Holmes Chapel, around 5 hours round trip from where I live. On the journey back I got to wondering about my blog or lack of, and thought I may have a chance to do something tonight. I took loads of photos of my miniatures when i started this venture, so much so that I'm not sure which ones I've posted or not at the moment.

So I get home - a little earlier than normal, to be greeted by a delivery of Battle games. At least I can write a little about this - even though I may not get to paint - did I miss out a post about the previous set?

So this is issues 50 and 51. I get some more soldiers of Rohan with Issue 50. My previous set of these took ages to batch paint, but I was really pleased with them. I'll post them later tonight if I havent done so already. The scratch built instructions for this issue were to build a Rohan house - which I have already done, although this is slightly different than the design that was in white dwarf. I may take the painting instructions from this to finish my existing house. This model isnt too big, so I may end up actually making this one. Hey who am I kidding, - I cant even write about how much I am not painting - let alone build something from scratch...

Issue 51 comes with Gamling - a miniature that I havent got until now - so it was worth not cancelling my subscription. I note that I get Eowyn next issue as well, so I look forward to that :) The modelling project is the Golden hall of Edoras - which I would love to have a go at - but is a bit big. You never know. It would compliment the houses and cottages that I havent made or finished quite well!!

Ho Hum.
I'd like to say I'd post again soon......

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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