The Battle with Miniatures


Captain Sicarius
Originally uploaded by mafiu.
Captain Sicarius

I bought Captain Sicarius after seeing his picture in White Dwarf Online; and I really wanted to have a go at painting him. Construction was a bit difficult, with plastic to metal connections needed - which I never enjoy. Then I undercoated him and spent quite a while on the Ultramarine blue coat. Then I put him to one side and forgot about him.
So after my satisfactory completion of my idol of Mork, I decided I had to have another go at finishing Sicarius. I searched Games Workshop and there was no picture of the guy to be seen. I then remembered the WD online article and searched for that - only to be surprised to see that Mr Sicarius wasn't appearing on the issue. Then I googled him, and found a painter who had put some pictures online, and used that as a reference for the colours. It took me about three hours to finish him but I was very pleased with the results, especially the parchment effect of his scrolls

Monday, March 26, 2007
Slayer(s) Originally uploaded by mafiu.

After watching a demo game in Games Workshop I got the urge to paint my Slayer out of the Skull Pass set. First problem was that I didn't have blazing Orange, which the paint guide suggested I should use for his hair. Painting both of the supplied models with my own mix of orange I was a bit disappointed - the pigment in the yellow seemed to be very dilute, and so it took me many coats to get a flat colour. Then I was hoping I could red ink wash the hair, so that it gave a pinline red shadow in all the groves of the hair - but that wasn't going anywhere either, so I took a while trying to get the shade - but in the end it didn't work. The flesh, of which there is plenty, was easier. However the interface between the flesh and the hair was not very good - so I ended up painting a line of black ink between them to make it stand out more. Quite happy with the skin though, so I also provided you with the view that the infantry get as the Slayer charges ahead - coz I was proud of his tush.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Idol of Mork Originally uploaded by mafiu.
Idol of Mork!

Had a bit of time this weekend - spend an hour in Games Workshop while the kids were watching a demo game of Skull Pass. Picked up some more spray while I was there, and mounted a load more of the Skull Pass set. Sat down tonight while watching Lost and had a real good go at finishing this model - which after intense research I now know is called the Idol of Mork. Only really intended to paint the skulls, but kept on having to do some more. All of the details really pick out this model - its changed quite a bit from the picture I posted a few days ago. So I'm really pleased with this now. UPDATE: The light of the new day added some more detail to the moon at the top of the relic - I think this is the first thing I've painted in yellow, and I now have a few different shades. When I take a picture, you can see all of the shades - but in light it looks natural (as natural as a yellow moon with teeth and spikes and mushrooms could look though...)

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Sunday, March 11, 2007
Lonely Orc
66 Results?

There doesn't seem to be many people blogging about BGIME. Now I know a lot of people may be doing this – but if I Google for BGIME and blog all I get back is 66 entries. Now their must be people reading this page – as I am getting on average 100 hits a day – ignoring the web bots. So who are you? Why don't you leave comments? As we seem to be a dying breed, I'm going to try and find these 66 blogs, and comment on them, both on their blog and here. I'm going to try and leave trackbacks if I can work out how to. I'm going to try and turn this little corner of the web into a community – and at least try and find other blogs about BGIME or other Games Workshop inspired blogs that mention BGIME. Lets find each other – Lock and Load People…

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Orc, erm, thingy.
Orc Thingy and Warhammer World Blog

I got this model out to try and paint a bit more of it, from my Skull Pass set. I must admit it was this piece of scenery that made me want to get the set - well, that and the naked dwarf... When I originally painted this back at the dawn of time I wasn't too happy with the base and highlights I'd done, but when I got it out to paint some this evening I was happier with its look. But in the end I didn't get to paint any, because I did a session of painting with the boys instead. Roo did the face of his special order Gandalf, and Zed did one of the dwarf infantry. In other news - Warhammer World has started blogging. This is a sports hall size complex in the Games Workshop factory in Nottingham, where you can go for free and play on some of the gaming tables that have appeared in White Dwarf over the years, and buy stuff, as well as look at some of the exhibitions they have there. The Warhammer World blog can be found here.

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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