The Battle with Miniatures


The final Two: 90 & 91

It's Over
Originally uploaded by mafiu.
Well here I am - 91 issues later. Its been a long ride.
Issue 90 comes with farmer Maggot, and three dogs. Apart from the conversion sprue, this is the most metal miniatures you with an issue. Astounding huh? There are rules for playing with the Hobbits that live in the Shire, some cardstock guys to play it with, and the Battlee for the Shire Scenario starts. The baseboard for this game is really fancy, with some nice scenery. The painting guide paints the farmer with white-ish clothes (avoid! - avoid!) The Modelling workshop is for a battered hobbit hole - which looks good, and some fields, which also look quite realistic.

The final issue - number 91 comes with a metal Sharkey, which by an amazing co-incidence is the name of my predecessor in my new job. Putting that aside the issue gives you some rules for him and his Rogues, to help them scourge the Shire, and the remaining battle report for the Shire Scenario started in 90. There are some cardstock hobbits, and some more ruffians for the game. The obligatory painting guide looks sort of straight forward. I have mounted Sharkey ready to paint, but life and more important things than painting has got in the way of that. Finally there is a really excellent scratchbuild Mill to finish the series off.
My only regret, (apart from the colossal cost) is that the mag just finishes. Usually on the back there was a teaser for the next issue. Yet on this there is just an advert for back issues - they could have at least put a thank-you for staying with us this long.
Oh well. Thats commercialism.


Monday, November 06, 2006


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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