The Battle with Miniatures
BGME 70-73
Heres the other two:
Issue 72 comes with more plastic orcs – I really must finish my other half painted ones, but also gives a few examples of painting these in a different style to the ones I did – so I might use that for inspiration. Two massive card Fellbeasts with the witch king and another wraith. And the conclusion of the Minas Tirith battle report. Some more guides on pinning figures, painting large models, wargs, shelob and a Morgul Army – some good pictures and tips here, much more like the articles in White Dwarf used to be. Finally you have instructions to make a rather good looking siege tower.
BGIME 73 has two armoured Merry and Pippin Characters, which I don’t own, (but really must get around to painting the Merry and Pippin I do own first) It starts however with pages on assembling battle companies, and then outlines some for Mordor and Gondor. After the again comprehensive guide to painting Merry and Pippin, you get some pages about modelling details, such as battlefield casualties, book cases, weapon racks and Tables full of food. The two guys here are probably the only ones from this delivery that I will get around to painting.
Labels: BGIME Review
Four More: 70,71,72,73
BGIME70 is Haradim themed, so you get a sprue with a set of these guys and a painting guide. These are really colourful compared to most other characters in the game, but they also provide several other colour variations for painting these. The scab red/desert yellow/bleached bone is by far the best one. The modelling workshop is a boring set of Pelennor Fields base boards. Nothing to see here, please move along. You get some mounted forces of good, namely Gamling, Eowyn, Theoden and a couple of royal guards in the cutout range to play the Siege of Minas Tirith scenarios.
Issue 71 I was interested in as it came with a Metal King of the Dead, which I think I might have already shown a painted version of – this one will probably end up on ebay. I wanted to see how they had painted this because I struggled to find a painting guide for them. Their guide was very complex, but I think my way of doing it more batch orientated was much easier, and produced pretty similar results. The only thing I learned was that the king has a robe that fades from red to the glowing green, so I might repaint mine – but probably not. You get a full set of card army of the dead – but I have these already – to continue with the Minas Tirith scenario from the last issue. Scratch builds are simple details of Pelennor, some docks, a ridge and some urban boards.
Labels: BGIME Review
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