The Battle with Miniatures


Bree Bonanza

Half finished Bree Hovel
Well, like I said in my posting for BGIME 61 - I liked the Bree buildings that were in the modelling section. So me and Roo went on a crusade to buy some materials for houses, and were stunned to find no plasticard anywhere in Milton Keynes, and also that foam card costs a fortune. So using spare balsa wood and some card we had - we managed to knock this together. We built this house in a weekend - which is quicker than Wilmot Dixon, and Roo has spent all of the weekend building a smaller version of it. Now I've run out of Chaos black and need those bricks... Oh and cutting tiles out for the roof is tedious.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Sixty one with Strider

Sixty one with Strider
BGIME issue 61. With a metal Strider. The one thing I could do without at the mo is another Aragorn, I nearly have as many of these as uruk hai.. I dont care about the rest of this issue - although i may use the painting guides to try and finish my other aragorns.. But the model section at the end is excellent. There are some wonderful tudor style 'village of Bree' buildings, including the prancing pony. This has come at a real brilliant time, as roo is doing some work about the great fire of london at the moment, and wants to make a model of the houses.. Chi-Ching!


Friday, December 16, 2005

60: Captain Boromir

60: Captain Boromir
Issue 60 sports a morose Sean Bean wearing a shiny military number. The campaign continues with a "Counsel of Elrond' article, and a War in Osgiliad scenario.
The painting section describes the painting of the included Boromir, using a startling 21 different paints and ink. Thats about £36 worth of paint if you dont have them - you can see what a great hobby this is - even more so if you are the supplier!! The finished model looks good - but I'm sure you can do it with less paint than that.
After that there is a really cool page that encourages you go go back and redo the boromir from the fellowship that you got way back with issue 11. I thought this was a real good idea, as if you only started painting due to BGIME, then making these additions will 'make it the equal of your more recent figures' Modeling section has some funky siege weapons out of balsa wood - a good and way cheaper way of obtaining some.



Orc Captain - BGIME58

Orc Captain - BGIME58

The long awaited issue 58. Well - the unexpectedly arriving issue 58 would be more accurate. This issue comes with a metal Orc with his hand and weapon in the air and an attached shield. I've not got this one so a welcome addition to my collection.

It starts with a bizarre article about Battlefields, and announces the start of a campaign in the next issue. there is a scenarion that uses the captain, and a gondorian ranger, the idea is to rescue some prisoners. Detailed instructions about the orc captain - and this time the finished model looks much more like a White Dwarf style article - with some good quality painting. The colour scheme makes it look quite an original model - I'll have a go at this one.

The modelling workshop contains ideas for an orc encampment - with some manky tents which might be fun to build.


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Issue 59 and Faramir

Issue 59 and Faramir
A metal Faramir arrived with issue 59. This is a model with him in his armor, as opposed to his ranger cloths. This has details on a LOTR campaign "THE DOOMED CHARGE" Scenario. The painting of this Faramir model looks blindingly simple - should take about an hour - so I might do this just to get it done...
The models are for some Gondorian buildings but these aren't my cup of tea so will avoid these.



Well I didnt see this coming!!

Well I didnt see this coming!!
Originally uploaded by mafiu.
This is a picture of an invoice sent to me by DeAGOSTINI that has really come out of the blue. A while ago got a new credit card, so the number changed. Of course all the payments that were on the old card started to bounce, so I had to update them all. At the same time my battlegames stopped coming. As they were coming too fast anyway, I didnt really notice - but then phoned them up about it and got a stock response: "We are having problems with supply(or it might have been manufacture" But I thought that really it was because the payments had bounced.

But imagine my surprise when they started coming again out of the blue! Look at the dates on the picure... The last issue they sent was 56&7 at the start of April, and then I receive the next ones IN DECEMBER!!! I'm not sure if I should complain, or not. I'm just flabbergasted at such a delay.

Of course that means that I get to moan about not painting the new stuff every couple of weeks when it arrives again.

Reviews of issues 58-61 to follow over then next day or so.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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