Well - fancy that. All these years I've never been able to get a decent blood red colour on a miniature.
I could have sworn that I had bought some more modern colour, but when I came to do the red on these tyranids, I could only find my 15 year old stuff... So I needed to go out to get some lych purple, and so bought some new blood red as well.
Here is the result - it seems that all this time I've not been able to get a decent colour because I had a duff batch of red. So I'm quite proud of this figure, and have decent painted genestealer to go with him.. Macragge begins.
Now this guy isnt one that I'm that bothered about - so he might go on ebay. But this is a strange issue - because I've not had any more delivered since this one. So it might be the final one - or it might be that some problem has happened.
Anyway it explains how to paint Denethor. The scenery article is about some parts of the Fountain court, but it has a very tacky tree... Now thats all of my baglog of BGIME caught up with.
Labels: BGIME Review
I was hoping that I would get this miniature, I liked pigsy out of the film as it reminds me of the character in Monkey. Of course really this ugly thingy is Gothmod the Lieutenant of Mordor. This looks like an easy one to paint - must have a go - but I'm hooked on the more colorful W40K stuff at the mo. The scenery is the Minas Tirith city gates - the actual gates look cool but the walls are the same effect as my previous entry. Not too good.
Labels: BGIME Review
Had a bit of time this weekend - mostly because I have been ill. Anyhow it gave me the chance to catch up with these issue 'reviews' but to really do some painting as well. I'll get to that once these are finished. Issue 55 came with Minas Tirith Banner Bearer, on horseback and quite a brief painting article about it as it takes most of its bulk from a previous figure. The scenery section was Walls of Minas Tirith, which dont look very good, they look a bit blue peter.
Labels: BGIME Review
Really pleased with this one... I've been after this scenery piece for ages, and I'm sure that I've got this cheaper than if I was to buy it in the shop - In fact can you get this on its own? Anyhow the magazine wasnt too interesting. There wasnt a specific painting article, just a painting techniques one, same for the scenery section. At least the sprue made up for the lack of content in the issue
Labels: BGIME Review
Ok - so I lost issue 53. Dunno where it went - so I cant blog it. But in the mean time I started painting my gene stealers.. (if thats what they are..) The instructions say to paint with chaos black - so out to the garage and start to spray, and the paint runs out. Ho hum. After a couple of days, got some more black... Sprayed them again. Then I have to drybrush them with Hawk Turquoise - thats ok. Looks quite good. Then all you seem to have to do is paint the arms and legs with blood red. So I did - and this was the result. Rubbish huh. Thats the end of this story.
Labels: W40K
Well I have a huge backlog of these to post so here goes. issue 52 had Eowyn :) I was going to keep this in its pack and sell it on ebay because I'd seen some going for around £10, but I forgot and opened it. Was quite impressed with the painting article about her so once she is mounted I'll have a go at decorating her. The scratchbuilt was some rohan palisades, loved the bricks at the bottom but I'd need loads of Balsa to build the walls
Labels: BGIME Review