The Battle with Miniatures


Macragge starts to take shape

Macragge starts to take shape

I'm hoping that I can post 2 photos to the blog at once. I'm using flickr to host the photos, and the email feature makes the picture posting easier.

So hopefully you can see that I have started the construction of my macragge set. Well, just a couple of marines. The shots dont really look as good as the figures do in real life, but I have only under and basecoated them. I'm following the color guide in this months white dwarf which is revisiting marines due to the new set. If the other picture shows, you'll see some genestealers and other nasties, which are also in the set. This is supposed to be clip together and I can see why, as all I have done is cut them off the sprues and they are assembled without glue - I just wanted to see how easy it was. I need to wash the plastic before I undercoat them, but I have purchased the new paints.

Hmm - a lot of purchasing and not a lot of painting. oh well. makes a change from urukhai though.


Sunday, October 24, 2004

Macragge starts to take shape


Battlegames 44 and 45

Battlegames 44 and 45

Well as usual I wasn't expecting the delivery of Battle games. But
here they are. The month really does go quick. But anyway, the sprue
is a set of high elves and men of gondor, so I feel that my painting
has come full circle in my second age, as this was the first set I

Issue 45 comes with an elf spear man, which I haven't already got, so
thats ok.

The construction projects are some plains of mordor, some rocky bases
to play the games on. Nothing special there, so even if I had the room
I wouldnt be making those.


Friday, October 15, 2004

Modern Space Orc

Modern Space Orc


A few things have happened on the miniatures front since my last blog.
I went ahead and bought the battle for macragge box set, and haven't
painted all of the things I said I would before i bought it. I've been
quite impressed though with the scenarios in the set - and for someone
who has never played 40k I think I might give it a shot. I'm going to
try and paint enough of the set to run the first scenario, and so on.

I've also been ill as have the rest of the family, but Roo was really
good when me and Rowan were ill, what with making his little brother
drinks and behaving when both of us felt foul. So he got a metal
miniature as a reward, and it was the Blood angel set. We spent an
evening gluing it (it is a part metal part plastic set. Undercoated it
black and he's now painted it.

I did do some more painting as well, but haven't taken any photos. In
the mean time here is a second age 40K Ork which I'm quite proud of.

Sunday, October 10, 2004


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I painted Games Workshop miniatures when I was a teenager, and have started painting them again since my son has become interested in them. After subscribing to Battle games in middle earth I thought I would try and blog my progress through trying to paint them all. This blog is just about miniatures, not about the rest of my life, I do other things!

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